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Cluster 14 | E.R.S.T.U.

Enjeux et Représentations de la Science, de la Technologie et de leurs Usages.

Emergence des sciences cognitives

7ème séance su séminaire de recherche en épistémologie des sciences cognitives

12 juin 2008
ENS LSH, Salle F05
contact : Jean-Michel Roy

10h-12h30 : Book Presentation and Discussion Anne Reboul “Language and Cognition” L2C2 / Institute for Cognitive Sciences, Lyon

Anne Reboul will present her recently published book ‘Language and Cognition’. Her presentation will be followed by a discussion focused on Chapter 2, dedicated to the issues of perception and categorization. The first chapter is available for download at : . The second chapter can obtained upon request by seminar attendants from JM Roy.

14h-16h30 : Paper presentation and discussion Mason Cash University of Central Florida, Orlando, / Visiting Professor ENS-LSH, Lyon “Normativity, Intentionality and Extended Cognition”

Mason Cash will defend a normativity account of intentionality and unfold its implications for the issue of extended cognition.

Relevant publications :
- Cash, M. (2008). Thoughts and oughts. Philosophical Explorations, 11(2), 93-119.
- Cash Mason 2008. Extension, Exculpation and Excuses.

Info : roy/ENS/se...

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